

Vivaldi is a sophisticated and highly customizable web browser tailored for discerning users seeking extensive control over their browsing experience. With a focus on versatility, it offers a range of innovative features, including tab stacking and tiled browsing, empowering users to organize and view multiple web pages seamlessly. Its intuitive interface allows for easy customization, providing users with the ability to tweak everything from themes to keyboard shortcuts, catering to individual preferences. Vivaldi stands out for its robust privacy settings, providing tools like tracker and ad blockers alongside features like a built-in notes panel, enhancing productivity and security while browsing.
Vivaldi Technologies
First Release
April 6, 2016
Latest Release
6.6.3271.57, 5 April 2024
Chromium-based (Blink, V8)
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
BSD-3 and Proprietary freeware
Vivaldi Social
Key Features
Tab Tools, Tab Stacking, Tab Hibernation, Tab Tiling, Web Panels, User Profiles, Session Management, Reader View, Pop-out Video
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