add new browser to myNewBrowser

Add your browser or suggest changes

If you know of a browser that is not currently featured in our collection, or if you are developing a new browser and would like to share it with the broader community, or if you simply want to suggest changes to the existing text in our collection, feel free to propose it through our website. We warmly invite browser proprietors, developers, and enthusiasts to collaborate with us in shaping the global collection of browsers!

Whether you wish to introduce a new browser to our collection or improve existing browser descriptions, there are currently two methods to do so:

Option 1: GitHub

Experienced users are offered the opportunity to directly contribute to our project hosted on GitHub. By accessing our project on GitHub you can modify existing data or introduce new browsers. All information within our collection is openly editable, fostering collaborative enhancements from anyone interested. Once your changes are submitted and reviewed on the GitHub platform, corresponding webpages will be generated for our website, utilizing the information you have provided.

myNewBrowser on GitHub

Option 2: Comment Form

Alternatively, if you prefer to suggest a browser without directly altering the content, we welcome your input in the comment section below. Your suggestions will be promptly reviewed, and we'll diligently work on implementing them as soon as possible.

Please use this comment box only for suggesting a browser you would like to see added to our website. Feel free to share what you like about the suggested browser, if you wish. For any other types of comments, kindly use our contact form.

© myNewBrowser 2024. All Rights Reserved.